Studies suggest that around 5 Million people die every year from heat related illnesses. Typically Oregon does not reach triple digit temperatures, but as most have noticed, weather is drastically changing. August of 2023, Portland had a record breaking 5 consecutive days reaching over 100 degree temperatures. It called to mind something that Pastor Mike Todd once said; "It does not take a lot of money to be generous. All you need is a few loaves of bread, some water, and maybe some granola bars and you can bless a lot of people."
We took that to heart and procured some bread, lunch meat, cereal bars, and a couple cases of ice cold water and drove around the commonly known areas with considerable amounts of tent encampments.
That day, 50+ people got a sack lunch made with love as well as an ice cold water. We had extra waters once we ran out of lunches so an additional 25 or so people received water as well.
Generosity can be given in a way that seems small to you, but can change someone else's entire day.